15 de jun. de 2008

Words and visuals

Por Mario Garcia:

1- Read the words carefully. Good writing is a descriptive. Descriptions lead to visuals. Seek those opportunities.

2 - Estabilish the importance of visuals with and writers begin to think graphically, not only will their writing be more visual, but they will come up with ideas to ilustrate their stories.

3 - Ask the question: what is the graphic potential of the story?

4 - Think beyond onde visual medium: not all contents lend themselves to photos. Sometimes a graphic, a simple icon, provides tons of information. And many times an illustration sets the mood long before one reads a word.

5 - Adapt to occasions when the words should be letf alone. There is such a thing as a wonderful narrative that does not need visuals.

A pensar,

In: Mario Garcia. Redesining print for the web. EUA: Hayden Books, 1997.


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