8 de fev. de 2009

New Media Index 2nd Edition

A segunda edição do New Media Index, do Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism, aponta que a crise econômica são dos destaques número 1 nas mídias on e off-line. Outro dado interessante é o espaço dedicado ao presidente dos EUA, Barack Obama, no papel e nos blogs. Obama é campeão no You Tube.

"Outrage over economic troubles, President Barack Obama’s comments about a radio talk host, and a Texas-sized practical joke captured the attention of bloggers, user news sites and other social media last week. On YouTube, the top news video was Obama’s weekly address which focused on his economic stimulus plan.

While the more traditional press overwhelmingly focused on the economic crisis and the stimulus plan, the new media’s attention was equally divided among three diverse subjects—the villains of the financial meltdown, Obama’s decision to criticize Rush Limbaugh, and jokesters who changed a road sign to warn of a zombie attack. The two politically oriented stories gave rise to often intense discussions, with ideological finger pointing on both sides of the aisle. "



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