1 de dez. de 2009

Vem aí Timestamp

Quem disse que as redes sociais são apenas plataformas marqueteiras? Redes sociais são espaços de engajamentos em que é possível fazer arte, escrever e criar associações entre pessoas em torno de um objetivo em comum, e o Streamflow Conditions prova isso. 

Veja a programação do Timestamp, que começa dia 5:

Beginning at 4:35pm MST (sunset) on December 5, 2009, the artists of Streamflow Conditions will perform online for 24 hours through networked writing, live coding, streaming video, or other means.
Each artist will occupy a 4-hour shift, and the schedule is designed to facilitate audiences outside of the artists' individual timezones. Writing or links to activity will be posted to the shared twitter account, "timestampstream" (and intercepted here) and you are invited to follow along and respond.
The performances will end at 4:35 MST on Sunday, December 6.
(via Giselle Beiguelman)

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